时间:2008-11-25 浏览:
DLR-DAAD-Research Fellowships in the fields of Space, Aeronautics, Energy and Transportation Research .This new programme was implemented by the ’Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt’ (DLR), in collaboration with the DAAD.
DLR is Germany´s national research centre for aeronautics, space, energy and transportation research.
1.Objective: DLR-DAAD Fellowships offer outstanding scientists and researchers the opportunity to conduct special research at the institutes of the DLR in Germany.
2.Duration: One to 36 months, depending on status and aims of the applicant
Please refer to: http://www.daad.de/deutschland/foerderung/ausschreibungen/09009.de.html
First Fellowships published September 19, 2008:
Fellowship no. 1: Landcover and Resource Monitoring in Dong Ting Lake Area
Fellowship no. 2: Information System Development and Data Integration
Fellowship no. 3: Subsystem Ground Segment Engineering
Fellowship no. 4: Orbit & Attitude Control four coupled Satellite Systems
Fellowship no. 5: Interactive Techniques and Methods for the Spacecraft Design Process
In virtual Environments
Fellowship no. 10: Thermophysical and structural properties of liquid metals
Fellowship no. 11: Structure and Dynamics in Dense Colloidal Suspensions
Fellowship no. 12: Transport Processes in Nonequilibrium Dense Liquids
Fellowship no. 13: Crystal-liquid interfaces and mass transport in metallic alloys
Fellowship no. 14: Influence and Interaction of Individual Scatterers in Building Representation in Spaceborne High Resolution X-Band SAR Data
Fellowship no. 15: Circular SAR Imaging
Fellowship no. 16: Airborne differential SAR interferometry
Fellowship no. 19: Object tracking in 6 degrees of freedom under space lighting conditions
Fellowship no. 23: Hydrogen embrittlement of combustion chamber wall materials
Fellowship no. 27: Development of safe and reliable electro-mechanical Systems
Fellowship no. 6: Airport Management, A-SMGCS, Turn Around Processes
Fellowship no. 8: Kinetics of synthetic and/or alternative fuels compounds for aeroengines
Fellowship no. 9: Human factors research on augmented vision in aviation
Fellowship no. 17: Advancement and application of existing CFD methods for numerical
simulations of mixed convection including heat radiation
Fellowship no. 18: Development and application of Tomographic Liquid Crystal Particle Image Velocimetry (Tomo LCPIV) for large scale measurements of convective air Flows
Fellowship no. 22: Experimental Helicopter Aerodynamics
Felloswhip no. 24: Development and application of Volume-PIV for the investigation of wake Vortex instabilities
Fellowship no. 25: Gas sensor assisted catalyst
Fellowship no. 27: Development of safe and reliable electro-mechanical Systems
Fellowship no. 28: Demonstration of electromagnetic compatibility of experimental equipment in an aircraft
Fellowship no. 7: Theoretical Reaction Kinetics
Fellowship no. 21: Laser Measuring Techniques for Combustion Research
Fellowship no. 25: Gas sensor assisted catalyst
Fellowship no. 29: Degradation chemistry and porous transport in polymer electrolyte fuel cells Transportation Research
Fellowship no. 18: Development and application of Tomographic Liquid Crystal Particle Image Velocimetry (Tomo LCPIV) for large scale measurements of convective air flows
Fellowship no. 20: Mode choice algorithms for agent based freight transport modelling
30 November 2008
Further fellowships will be published in the near future on the DAAD website.
More detailed information at:
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